Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Prague or Bust

In 38 days, David and I will be on a plane, heading toward a destination we've talked about visiting since before we were married. David has dreamed of visiting Prague for even longer than that. So nearly a year ago, we decided to set a date. At the time, we were still getting settled in Birmingham. David had just started a job in a new industry, I was still looking for work, and we were squatting with relatives. What better time to plan a European vacation? But here we are, 10 months later. In that time we've gotten out of debt, bought a home (aka gotten back into debt), I got a job as David grew more comfortable in his, and we raised enough money for our dream vacation. How exhausting! But we're very excited. We've got our plane tickets and the start of an itinerary. We leave May 11 and fly into Paris, where we will meet my dear friend Alexia. The next day will be spent recovering from jet lag, sipping coffee at a cafe, and hopefully having dinner with Alexia's parents and brother - my French family whom I have not seen in nearly a decade. Hopefully I can also meet my French brother's new wife! On Sunday David, Alexia and I will hop a train and head toward Germany. The current plan is to spend the night in Bamberg, a small town north of Nuremberg that was reportedly unscathed by the World Wars. It also reportedly is famous for smoked beer. Finally, we'll take another train to Prague. There's so much we want to see, but instead of boring all of you now with what we want to see I'll bore you later with the details of what we actually did see. Don't worry, Mom, I'll try to resist recording every moment of this trip, like what I ate for breakfast. Unless, of course, the breakfast is really, really good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I convince you and David to wear shirts of the Canadian flag. Not that I don't love America; I firmly believe in "better dead than red"--I'm just worried that someone would take you up on that offer.

Be careful & have fun.